Thursday, February 8, 2007

Recipe for Tequila


Don't get me wrong, I love a good margarita...but after a long nite of the traditional lime based margarita and numerous shots of primo anejo, you can be blessed with a hard case of heartburn.....not so with the Rio Grande, chicks tend to dig this cock here is the recipe, give it a try and let me know what you think.......and stay tuned for the infamous Sex in the Cenote recipe coming soon to the Fellowship of the Agave

start with a tall glass (12 oz. ???)

1. Pour in two full shots Cazadores reposado (yes, others will work, but not as well)
2. Add about 1/2 shot of Cointreau or Bauchant
3. Fill the glass 2/3 of the way full with orange juice (I like the pulpy stuff)
4. Top off the glass with Ruby red grapefruit juice
5. Add a slice of lime
6. Drink until gone
7. Repeat as needed